Connect and collaborate with human services organizations across WisconsinWAFCA membership provides human service organizations with a network of colleagues who are eager to connect and collaborate. Our Communities of Practice (COP) convene regularly to identify best practices, network, and work together to develop solutions to financial and bureaucratic barriers to serving our communities. Our members meet quarterly via Zoom and communicate year-round via email. In addition, members have complete access to our resources and can receive support for technical questions, compliance concerns, or policy details at any time. Join our more than 50 members serving Wisconsin communities. Networking with like-minded colleagues enhances our work, improves services to our clients, and re-energizes our team members. Explore the COPs below to find the best fit: Community of Practice for Clinical Supervisors
Community of Practice for Senior Financial Leaders
Human Resources Community of PracticeThe HR COP is coordinated by WAFCA members, and meetings generally occur on a monthly basis. All coordination takes place through the HR E-list, which you can sign up for by completing the following steps: